



But the overarching ideas that have influenced my work and fueled my interest in conscious and unconscious memory derive from a perspective on mind that psychiatry and psychoanalysis opened up for me. Thus, my initial career as an aspiring psychoanalyst was hardly a detour from the main path; rather, it was the educational bedrock of all I have been able to accomplish since.


But the overarching ideas that


have influenced my work



and fueled /my interest/ in conscious and unconscious memory/ derive from a perspective on mind

駆り立てた/ 私の興味を/意識にある記憶や無意識の記憶において/ 見方 に由来する


that psychiatry and psychoanalysis/opened up / for me



・that は関係代名詞。 意味の上で perspective が先行詞と解釈。


・関連語 perspective  


語源 spect →見る


inspect 調べる

in 中を spect 見る


prospect 見通し

pro 前を spect 見る


retrospect 回想する

retro 後ろを spect 見る


suspect 疑う

sus 下を(下から)spect 見る


conspicuous 目立つ

con 完全に spect 見る



Thus, my initial career / as an aspiring psychoanalyst



 was hardly a detour / from the main path; 


rather, it was the educational bedrock / of all I have been able to accomplish since.

むしろ、それは教育上の基盤だった / 私がそれ以降に達成できたすべての





But the overarching ideas that have influenced my work and fueled my interest in conscious and unconscious memory derive from a perspective on mind that psychiatry and psychoanalysis opened up for me. Thus, my initial career as an aspiring psychoanalyst was hardly a detour from the main path; rather, it was the educational bedrock of all I have been able to accomplish since.










With books, unlike with friends, no sense of obligation exists. We are with them only because we absolutely wish to be with them. Nor do we have to laugh, politely, at their attempt at wit.



With books, unlike with friends, no sense of obligation exists.



















no sense of obligation exists with books.

・倒置。元々後ろにあった with books が 前に出ている。


We are with them / only because /we absolutely wish to be with them.


我々はそれら(本)と一緒にいる/以下の理由のみで/ 我々がそれらとすごく一緒にいたい時 /


 Nor do we have to laugh, politely, at their attempt at wit.

ない / 我々が笑うわなければいけない / 礼儀正しく/ それらの(本の)試みること / 機知を

・Nor による倒置。否定語の副詞が文頭に来ると倒置。

Rarely does he play tennis,

Never did he play …

Not did he play..

neither do I

Little do I ~   ※まったく~ない の意味になる

Only do I study English. (only にも否定の意味がある) 


・attempt の訳出

 動作主がtheir (本)ゆえに、本が試みる~と考えた。


・Nor は No と、obligation が have to と対応関係






With books, unlike with friends, no sense of obligation exists. We are with them only because we absolutely wish to be with them. Nor do we have to laugh, politely, at their attempt at wit.





In our daily lives we all predict and explain other people's behavior from what we think they know and what we think they want. Beliefs and desires are the explanatory tools of own intuitive psychology, and intuitive psychology is still the most useful and complete science of behavior there is.




valuable beneficial advantageous helpful practical nifty


foresee expect forecast


perceptive  sensitive


descriptive illustrative  instructive (教育的な)



To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories are more often guilty of cruelty  than those who have not. Aggressive , destructive, sadistic impulses every child has and, on the whole, their symbolic verbal discharge seems to be rather a safety valve than a stimulus to direct action.




unkindness meanness malice


incentive motivation spur


spoken oral vocal



The old must place their wisdom and experience at the service of the young, yet allow the vitality, energy and enthusiasm of youth freedom of scope, while the young must respect and honor the achievements  and practical sense of their eiders  and place their physical strength and vigor, while they still possess them, at the service of the continuing community.



The old must place their wisdom and experience at the service of the young,

お年寄りは 置かなければいけない / 彼らの知恵や経験 を / 若者の貢献に

yet allow the vitality, energy and enthusiasm of youth freedom of scope,

さらに / 追加(しなければならない)/ 若者の活力や熱意を /余地の自由

・allow AB AにBを与える

 the vitality, energy and enthusiasm of youth までがA


while the young must respect and honor the achievements  and practical sense of their eiders  一方で/若者は尊敬し敬わなければならない/ その業績と実際の(社会で役立つ)感覚・判断力を / 彼らの年寄りたちの/

 ・the old と young の対比 

 while 一方で~

・(x and y)and Z の形


and place their physical strength and vigor

そして /彼らの(若者の)身体的強さと活動力を 置かなければいけない

・ここのandは respect と 並列


,while they still possess them, at the service of the continuing community.

の間に /彼らが(若者)持っている それら(熱意など)を/ 社会の存続の貢献に /


・挿入でwhile 節 ~の間 


After all, in mindless moments our brains still function: all senses are present if not entirely correct, as the final perspective on what is happening around you is a little distorted compared with 'normal'.

Not only that, but you can move your muscles, even if with a little less control or with greater hesitancy.





After all, in mindless moments our brains still function:



all senses are present if not entirely correct,



・if ~ではあるが、の if 。訳出に注意されたい。


 as the final perspective on what is happening around you is a little distorted compared with 'normal'.

ーの理由で / 私たちの周りに起きている最終的な感覚/ すこし「正常」と比べてやや歪んでいる。


・理由の as

 全体で correct を修飾する。やや長いので見失いがちだが、全体で副詞節(理由)を形成。節内のS’はthe final perspective on what is happening around you V'が is 。


Not only that, but you can move your muscles, even if with a little less control or with greater hesitancy. 

それだけでなく / あなたは筋肉を動かせる/ たとえ すこし制御しずらく、嫌々でも /



  hesitancy → reluctance

精読の練習 一橋大学(1981)










A child draws a human head as a circle.



This is not an attempt to reproduce


 the specific outline of a particular person's head


・not  but の対比



〈目的・関係など〉明白に示された,明確な,具体的な; 特定の (⇔general,→generic)

《★【類語】 ⇒→particular》.











・I've just outlined my views here. 私の見方をここにちょっとまとめてみました。



but rather a general form quality of a head, of heads in general --- namely, roundness.



a general form - in general. と 重複しているため、訳では片方省いた。


Roundness is commonly thought of as an abstract concept.



As such it can be attributed to many or all heads,




・such 代名詞 そんな物(事・人)






・She attributed her successful weight loss to cutting down on greasy foods and exercising every day. 彼女は、減量が成功した要因は、脂っこい食べ物を減らしたことと、毎日の運動[エクササイズ]であると考えました。


but --- according to the traditional definition of abstraction ---



no particular head ought to be able to represent it concretely to the eye.




to represent it concretely to the eye. 目に表すの部分を「見えるように」を補った。


・ought to の5つの意味


・You ought to use a dictionary. 辞書を使いなさい。

・You ought to be ashamed! 恥を知れ!

・We ought not to sneer at him. 彼をあざ笑うべきではない。

・Ought I to know who she is? 彼女が誰だか知るべきでしょうか。

・The man said we ought to pack up our belongings as well. その男は私たちに荷物もまとめるように言った。◆【注意】時制の一致を受けない

・Ought we also [rather] to teach them good manners? 私たちは彼らにマナーもまた[を少し]教えるべきでしょうか。◆alsoやratherなどの副詞が挿入されることもある

・Ought we not to be looking more for stimulus? さらなる刺激を求めるべきではないのでしょうか。◆否定疑問文も可能

【2】《推量・可能性》~のはずだ◆must⇒will⇒would⇒should(=ought to)の順で可能性[確実性]が低くなる

・Prices ought to go up soon. 近いうち物価は上昇するはずだ。

・You ought to have seen her face. あなたは彼女の顔を見たはずです。

【3】《後悔》~だったのに◆ought to have + 過去分詞

・You ought to have taken her advice. 君は彼女の助言に従うべきだったのに。◆《should have+過去分詞》は過去への推量と後悔を表し、どちらになるかは文脈による


・You ought to stop doing that. そういうやり方はやめた方がいいよ。

・You ought to take the Oedo Line to get around Tokyo quickly and easily. 東京を素早く快適に動き回るには、ぜひ大江戸線を利用した方がいいですよ。

【5】《未来完了》~しておくべきだ◆ought to have + 過去分詞の形をとる

・I will tell you what you ought to have done tomorrow. 明日すべきことを伝えるぞ。


 Yet, the child's circle is more than a mere sign that stands for an intellectual concept,

しかし、その子供の円は単なる記号以上である/ 知的概念を表している


 in the way in which ∞ stands for infinity.




It is an image, a generally accepted image of that roundness common to the shape of heads.



・common 後置修飾、文末重心の考えにより、副詞句(to the shape of heads)を従えるため、後ろに移動。 



The impossible seems achieved --- a perceptually concrete representation of the abstract.




(1)The child's circle is no less concrete and individual than a photograph of any of the particular heads for which it stands. But it is a representation that eliminates many of the perceptual characteristics of heads and limits itself to a form that gives the structure of roundness in a pure, clear-cut way.





・no less B(形容詞)  than A ~ Aと同じくらいBだ 

肯定 No less than 

否定 No more than   鯨構文。~と同じくらい~でない。


・ in a pure, clear-cut ~  純粋でくっきりした  



Thus the general quality of roundness drawn from individual heads can not only be defined by an intellectual concept,



but the particular structure it designates, which is realized less clearly in the original shapes, can be presented to the eyes in a concrete, individual form in which this structure is stripped of many accidental complications.



多くの偶発的な複雑さが剥ぎ取られているこの構造の/ 具体的で個人的な形で/目に見える形で/表されるのだ。




・is stripped of 分離のof (語源はoff)

   this structure is stripped of many accidental complications.




・not only but (also)

an intellectual concept で定義されるだけでなく the particular structure で表される

・designate 指名する


Such a purified, even though concrete, presentation of structural qualities seems to fulfill the requirements of a true abstraction.


そのような単純化された /具体的だったとしても/ 構造上の性質の表現 / は満たしているように見える/



The contradictory use of "concrete" and "abstract" in the foregoing is meant to illustrate the vagueness of these terms. If we call "concrete" everything that is perceivable, then the circle is just as concrete as a photograph of a head. But, within the realm of "concretely" perceivable things, the circle may be described as an abstraction of the head.


前述のその矛盾された使い方は意図されている その曖昧さを視覚的に表されるように

もし我々が具体的という言葉を 感知できるすべてのものと呼ぶならば、その円は単に頭の写真と同じくらい具体的である。



foregoing 前述のこと



A child draws a human head as a circle. This is not an attempt to reproduce the specific outline of a particular person's head but rather a general form quality of a head, of heads in general --- namely, roundness. Roundness is commonly thought of as an abstract concept. As such it can be attributed to many or all heads, but --- according to the traditional definition of abstraction --- no particular head ought to be able to represent it concretely to the eye. Yet, the child's circle is more than a mere sign that stands for an intellectual concept, in the way in which ∞ stands for infinity. It is an image, a generally accepted image of that roundness common to the shape of heads. The impossible seems achieved --- a perceptually concrete representation of the abstract.


The child's circle is no less concrete and individual than a photograph of any of the particular heads for which it stands. But it is a representation that eliminates many of the perceptual characteristics of heads and limits itself to a form that gives the structure of roundness in a pure, clear-cut way. Thus the general quality of roundness drawn from individual heads can not only be defined by an intellectual concept, but the particular structure it designates, which is realized less clearly in the original shapes, can be presented to the eyes in a concrete, individual form in which this structure is stripped of many accidental complications. Such a purified, even though concrete, presentation of structural qualities seems to fulfill the requirements of a true abstraction.


