



But the overarching ideas that have influenced my work and fueled my interest in conscious and unconscious memory derive from a perspective on mind that psychiatry and psychoanalysis opened up for me. Thus, my initial career as an aspiring psychoanalyst was hardly a detour from the main path; rather, it was the educational bedrock of all I have been able to accomplish since.


But the overarching ideas that


have influenced my work



and fueled /my interest/ in conscious and unconscious memory/ derive from a perspective on mind

駆り立てた/ 私の興味を/意識にある記憶や無意識の記憶において/ 見方 に由来する


that psychiatry and psychoanalysis/opened up / for me



・that は関係代名詞。 意味の上で perspective が先行詞と解釈。


・関連語 perspective  


語源 spect →見る


inspect 調べる

in 中を spect 見る


prospect 見通し

pro 前を spect 見る


retrospect 回想する

retro 後ろを spect 見る


suspect 疑う

sus 下を(下から)spect 見る


conspicuous 目立つ

con 完全に spect 見る



Thus, my initial career / as an aspiring psychoanalyst



 was hardly a detour / from the main path; 


rather, it was the educational bedrock / of all I have been able to accomplish since.

むしろ、それは教育上の基盤だった / 私がそれ以降に達成できたすべての





But the overarching ideas that have influenced my work and fueled my interest in conscious and unconscious memory derive from a perspective on mind that psychiatry and psychoanalysis opened up for me. Thus, my initial career as an aspiring psychoanalyst was hardly a detour from the main path; rather, it was the educational bedrock of all I have been able to accomplish since.

