


After all, in mindless moments our brains still function: all senses are present if not entirely correct, as the final perspective on what is happening around you is a little distorted compared with 'normal'.

Not only that, but you can move your muscles, even if with a little less control or with greater hesitancy.





After all, in mindless moments our brains still function:



all senses are present if not entirely correct,



・if ~ではあるが、の if 。訳出に注意されたい。


 as the final perspective on what is happening around you is a little distorted compared with 'normal'.

ーの理由で / 私たちの周りに起きている最終的な感覚/ すこし「正常」と比べてやや歪んでいる。


・理由の as

 全体で correct を修飾する。やや長いので見失いがちだが、全体で副詞節(理由)を形成。節内のS’はthe final perspective on what is happening around you V'が is 。


Not only that, but you can move your muscles, even if with a little less control or with greater hesitancy. 

それだけでなく / あなたは筋肉を動かせる/ たとえ すこし制御しずらく、嫌々でも /



  hesitancy → reluctance